worship. what is worship? do we worship? how do we worship? worship. it is running to the heartbeat of God. it is holding a small child when she is crying. it is waking up with a deep breath in and an exhale of the will. it is laughing. it is smiling. it is crying when i’m lost. it is crying when those around me are lost. it is praying on my knees, in my car, at the grocery store. it is living in wealth. it is living in poverty. it is singing through the hard times and sitting in silence. it is keeping watch and letting go. it is seeing beauty and understanding pain.
worship is . . . in all these things! it is not separate from them. through them, in them - we worship. because it’s not about what we do or how we sound; it’s about who. who do we worship? the One we worship tells us He is in all. He says through Him all things are created - He upholds the very structure of the universe.
maybe the question is why. maybe we have to answer that before we answer what. but the why is answered in the who. the who impels worship, which is the what.
what is worship? - who is God?
do i know Him? have i met with Him?